Personal Accounts

Banking with Lakeland Credit Union is personal, because you aren’t a customer, you’re an owner.

Chequing Accounts that fit your needs

We’re proud to offer something for everyone in our account packages and look forward to serving you. You’ll be rewarded for the business you do with Lakeland Credit Union because we share our profits with our members. LCU members are eligible for service charge rebates, deposit interest bonuses, loan interest rebates and common share dividends at the end of the year.
Savings Accounts
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Advantage Savings

Advantage Savings Account is the most flexible and high interest rate savings account in the Lakeland. This is the perfect savings account for your next vacation, down payment or big purchase.

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Platinum Savings

Earn competitive interest while maintaining ready access to your funds.

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Fat Cat Account

Best account for children ages 0-12 years.

More Products

We build long-term relationships and partner with our members by delivering superior and personalized service. LCU’s knowledgeable and friendly staff will provide you with sound financial advice on a full range of products that offer competitive rates.
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As your needs are always changing, we stay focused on helping you reach your financial goals.

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Let us help you find an investment option that’s guaranteed to get you where you want to be.

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Credit Cards

From cash back on your everyday purchases to valuable travel insurance benefits, we have a Visa* card to fit your life.


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